Anyone who wants to begin doing business online needs to find reliable and affordable web hosting. To make the most profit from your web page, you need to find a provider who give you the most services and support at the lowest price. So it's essential to find the best web host provider that fits your budget. Many newbies to doing business online don't know where to begin looking because there are so many providers to choose from.
How Shared Web Hosting works is that a group of clients share virtual space on the web server. How many accounts share this virtual space varies by host. Some host providers have a few hundred shared accounts on the same server, where as others have a few thousand. Also know as virtual hosting, Shared Web Hosting shares much more than just virtual web space on a server.
The next part is to get your Shared Web Hosting UK onto the internet. This is a little more complex than the designing and developing stage of your site. You have to get your hands on a piece of FTP software. There are many free FTP "clients" online that you can download, such as FileZilla. This is what allows you to connect to your web hosting provider's computer (server) and upload your files, just like if you were to copy files from your hard disk to another place (usb drive, cd etc).
Get into Web 2.0 (aka Social Networking)! Start a blog (you are reading an example), post a video on YouTube, set up a company page on Facebook, post press releases online, write and post articles about your area of expertise...The possibilities are growing all the time and the more work you put in the better the results you will achieve. Don't forget to link everything back to your site!!
As an added benefit, there are companies that not only do they provide you with Affordable Web Hosting but they also give you a ton of extras like adding blogs, shopping carts, MySQL databases and all that other stuff you could need.
(2). Get A Linux Plan - A Linux plan is more reliable and use up less resources than windows. A word of caution here though, unlike windows that is not case sensitive linux is, so make sure that you use all lower case letters in your file names to avoid any recognition problems.
As you can see shared web hosting offers a myriad of options with minimal costs. A precursory search will provide ample hosts that offer reasonable prices for reliable service.